I got to get up at 6:30 am again today. Yes, on a Saturday. Why? Because Jason has a chess tournament from 8am – 5pm and we need to be there all day! Wheee! Hmmm… maybe if I pay close attention I can finally learn how to play chess?
I was so exhausted last night, it’s amazing I stayed awake until 10:30pm. I didn’t get to go out with the Gaggle of Friends like I wanted to do, but I could tell that if I didn’t get some sleep the sinus problems I’ve had all week were going to take over and really knock me down. I really can’t have that right now!
6 replies on “Checkmate!”
Good luck, Jason!
take heart. I’m *gasp!* 34, and I’m still learning how to play chess. I’m resigned to playing online, because hubby dear won’t play wiff me anymore. I beat him twice.
Hey, good luck to Jason! And I understand about not going out…every now & then, you just need to stay home in front of the tv or with a book 🙂
Have fun at the tournament! chess can be loads of fun 🙂 GOOD LUCK, to Jason!
i’m not a very good chess player… my dad taught me… but i have the Simpsons chess set at home. we can try to learn together.
i missed you last night!
Chess is something i could never understand.. I bought my partner a set for christmas so he could teach me.. but he hasn’t got round to it yet 😉
*Good Luck Jason*