“Despite extensive warnings, he said, people still open unexpected attachments.” Yep. You have to warn me. If people send me an attachment and I didn’t ask you to send it, or it’s something that requires an installation, I either an e-mail back or I call them and ask them what it is. When I hear “Oh, just open it – you’ll love it” I ask for more details. What is it? Why will I love it? And then I tell them, “sorry, but no. I have never had a virus on my computer and I am not going to risk it for that.” Yep, I am a hardass. And I have been virus-free since 1995. So I guess my strategy is working.
4 replies on “Clean since 1995…”
I never ever open attachments from e-mail either. I did get Nimda from a website though. It was a friend’s site and he’d been having some problems with it. So one night I visit, and I get a popup request that I run the “Readme.exe” file. No one was warning about Nimda until the next morning, so I had no idea. I just figured it was a note to readers about changes on the site. Doh.
I can open whatever the hell I want, because PC viruses won’t affect my mac. Wheeee! Not that I do. If I don’t know who it is, I delete it.
You go, girl! I stupidly became a victim ONCE. But at the time, I was an online instructor and thought I was getting a student’s file. Got my first .scr email today… DELETED.