I’ve never watched soap operas on a regular basis. Back in the 80s, I remember the big hoopla over Luke & Laura’s wedding. In the 90s, while I was in Germany and only had one TV station on the base to choose from (I’ve heard they have more now), I watched the soaps from time to time – but stopped when I came back to the states.
So now it is time to come clean. I’ve become hooked to Days of Our Lives.
I watched the first episode so I could mock it. Sami kept talking out loud to herself. Belle was married to one man but in love with another. A woman Marlena was in a coma. (There are always people in a coma on soaps. What is up with that?) But then the next day I wondered what had happened. By day three, I was tuning in to find out.
I know names of characters. I’m starting to figure out who is related to who, but in Salem it seems like everyone is related to everyone. It is crazy. And I’m hooked.
Someone help me. After 2:00. Right now, my soap is on. (I’m hanging my head in shame for saying that. I really am.)
13 replies on “Coming Clean…”
I’ll come clean. I’ve watched DOOL’s for years! For a long time, I didn’t watch because I hated setting the VCR. But when TIVO came out, it all went down hill. I watch it every day when I get home from the office. I’ve now even started to read the “spoiler” early edition the day before, because I just can NOT wait to find out what happens next.
I need a DOOL support group!
omg, if you’re going to blog about DOOL, i’m never going to read your blog ever again! 😛 i watched DOOL for years (but not in the past 10 years) and they’ve like aged 10 years in like a week and the storyline advanced a week more! i had to stop watching or else i was going to poke my eyes out with sporks – for real!!! Marlena being possessed was what took the cake for me. i just could not take it anymore. i love ya, Christine, but i loathe DOOL with a passion. 😀 (i’m only half kidding, btw. i hate DOOL but it won’t stop me from reading your blog.)
Poor Marlena. In a coma, possessed, trapped on an island … man, she has been through hell.
I will never blog about it. I’m trying to stop watching it, I promise – I really, really am! I’m sure when school starts next week I won’t have time to watch it then!
Ever since I started working from home, I have gotten completely and totally hooked on soaps again!!!
You’ll never blog about it? I’m halfway surprised that you haven’t bought a domain name for your new soap blog. Then again, school may put a crimp in your soap-watching time.
Hey! Pbbbbffffffttttttt… 😛 I don’t watch them that often! I don’t think an handful of episodes over 3 weeks counts. Just because I made sure I was home today before 1:00 so I could tune in…
It cracks me up the Belle’s married. She was like 2 when I watched in college. Hmmm, that would make her a 12 year old bride.
Give it up while you can!! I started watching All My Children a couple of years ago because we only had ABC at the time. Now we have Dish Network, but I’m still looking for ABC at noon. I read the message board, too. “Just one more story line” is what I keep telling myself.
Yes, I confess, last summer I became addicted to All My Children. I’m so hooked. Like NinaKaye, I keep telling myself one more story line and I’m walking a way. Seriously, will Ryan come home????? lol.
Hah…I used to love watching Days. And I have a DVR now…hmm….
LOL! welcome to the addictive world of Salem! 🙂 i’ve watched DOOL on and off (mostly on) for 25 years. 25 YEARS!!!! AND PRACTICALLY NOTHING HAS CHANGED! LOL!!!
seriously, i started watching it when i was 8 and often home sick from school. there’s something oddly comforting about a world that you can slip away from for a couple months, but come back to, watch for a hour, and know exactly what has happened since you’ve been gone.
besides, i’ve always been in love with bo.
I’ll come clean too: I’ve watched Days since I was a young girl; my mom has been hooked since the day it first aired.
If you need help with the characters and how they’re related, send me an email. I’m usually online during your time zone’s airing. 😛
Like sands through the hour glass…I have watched this show for over 30 years and I LOVE to HATE it. 🙂