

Just like everyone else is saying today, it is hard to believe that February is over. When I looked at my calendar this morning, I realized two things:

– Our house closing is in two weeks. TWO weeks. Gah! Panic, panic – there is a lot of packing to do in the next two weeks! But I’m starting now and I’m pacing myself – so it should be ok.

– Our wedding is in three months. Three months! There is a lot to do in the next three months. However, I’m not that worried about any of it – I know it will all be done without a rush.

Mike & I went to chaperone Jason’s lock-in Friday night; my sleep has been messed up ever since. Saturday morning we went and finalized the wedding invitation order. Saturday afternoon we went to see Miracle – which was a really, really good movie! Yesterday I started in on the final purge before the move. Amazing how you think something means so much to you – until you have to place a dollar sign on it to determine if it’s worth paying to move it. I am going through and throwing out old papers and bagging up old clothes for Good Will.

I still can’t believe it’s already March 1st.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Dates…”

my best friend and her husband just closed on their house on Friday… they still have one month left with their apartment. they’re just busy purging and cleaning (dust in the house). at least you’re purging now… they haven’t started!

It’s amazing how quick the weeks fly past and events come screeching into the foreground of our lives.

at one minute past midnight it’ll be 00 01 02 03 04 — freaky fact.!

We moved a month ago, and followed Merrin’s suggestion of color coding our boxes and it went sooooo smooth! She suggested we purchase the colored labels from Office Depot and have one color per room. On every box that goes with that room, you place one of the colored stickers on two corners so you can see that color from any side of the box. Our movers loved it and so did we! I have several of a few colors left if you want me to mail them to you. I don’t know what else I would do with them.

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