Changelog Geek Love

Do You Akismet?

I just sent this on to the Akismet team, but wanted to post it here also in case anyone had advice for me.  (Also, if you know of any really cool, must have WP 2.0 plugins, feel free to let me know.  I *heart* plugins.)

When I log into review the “Caught Spam” I get conflicting numbers.  I just installed it last night.  First, at the top, it reads, “Akismet has caught 37 for you since you installed it.”

37.  Great.  Perfect.

Then just below (in the same box), it reads, “There are currently 16 comments identified as spam.”  Ok, 16 … what happened to 37?  Or are duplicates not counted?

Then, just below that, there are only 9 comments displayed for me to review.  Not 37 or even 16.  Just 9.

I’m so confused.

Any thoughts?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Do You Akismet?”

I think I just installed Akismet last night, but I was half asleep so I may have only looked at it. I know I DID accidentally delete a comment from you using Spam Karma 2. It got filtered into the spam comments and I ‘removed’ instead of ‘recovered.’ 🙁

I tried using Akismiet with WP 1.5 and it doesn’t work. I’ve got emails out to their support team but so far I haven’t heard a word back. Buggers. I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet and upgrade my WP again (I upgraded once and went back when a lot of my plugins didn’t work) but I’ll wait until the next release. I am tired of my catchpa plugin though so I’m going to start looking at Spam Karma!

That 37 is how many spams it’s ever caught since you started using it. When you click the ‘Delete Spam’ button, it clears the current spams out, but the count remains. That’s why it says ‘since you installed it’.

Older versions of the plugin would group spams from a single IP number together. That’s why it said there were 16 spams, but only showed you 9. Because the other 7 spams were spams that came from some of the same spammers, spam, spam, spam, lovely spam, bacon, eggs, and spam. (sorry)

Anyhow, the newest version of the plugin shows *all* the spam comments (well, the first 150, anyways). But it also displays the comments in full, rather than the summary that it used to use. I liked the summary better, for quick scanning of the list. Oh well.

Right – but I wrote this post *right* after I installed it – so I had never clicked the “Delete Spam” button. Even now, nothing has been deleted – I haven’t been running it for 15 days yet.

Also, I had just downloaded the plugin from the site, so it should be the “new” version. I have always seen the full comments. So … maybe the new one lumps them together too? Because my counts are still way off – 3 very random numbers.

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