Mike and I just watched last week’s episode of the Apprentice (episode 2, the Ciao Bella Ice Cream Task) and … DUDE. I still can’t believe what happened in the boardroom. I’m bitter and angry at Trump right now. Although some edge of my bitter anger has been taken off by reading Sam’s commentary on the episode. Sam, the wild and crazy man from Season 1 is back, and his commentary helped take some of the edge off of it.
I still have a bitter taste in my mouth. Donald, I’m mad at you.
5 replies on “DOH! I Still Can’t Believe It!”
Sorry about the non-spoiler-fied post last week, hope I didn’t ruin it.
Please let me know when it is safe to dish about the Amazing Race 5 finale. Because when you see … well, I will just wait to hear what you have to say!
Yes, I was mad too, and shocked! I think I actually gasped when I watched the firing! Personally I didn’t think Bradford’s decision was that stupid–I know what he was trying to do by it, and dammit it should’ve worked! But Trump will be Trump, and he can do whatever the heck he wants. But I definitely didn’t agree with his firing decision or rationale for it. Arg!
I have to say I kind of disagree. I do sympathize w/ Bradfors & understand what he was trying to do. But what he did do was make a split second decision that put him at jeopardy because he thought others would agree with how well he did. In business you absolutely can’t put yourself at jeopardy like that when it’s not necessary.
I feel you, but Bradford was so arrogant, *and* impulsive – that seems like a deadly combination to be running a company. Did you tape the TAR finale? Or just TiVo 😉 Guess whose *entire town* is missing out on CBS right now because of some unexplained cable snafu….
Ok, I’m going to be a total chump. I’ve missed the beginning episodes (we FINALLY set a season ticket on tivo for it recently) – so what happened???