Another one of my photographs from our afternoon at the Cockrell Butterfly Center. To see it in its full glory, click on it to get to Flickr.
The fun thing about photographing butterflies, especially when using the close-up filters, is that I never really know for sure what I got until I get home and view the pictures full size. Some of them looked great in the small preview screen on the camera, but when I got home the part I wanted to see as clear (like the face of the butterfly) was fuzzy – I have such a small margin of focus to work with that it makes it more of a challenge – and gives me more satisfaction when I find the quality photographs in the bunch.
Hand Update: I took the steri-strips off last night (ew) and got to see my incisions for the first time. When did I become so freakin’ squeamish? I never had issues with things like this before, and now … ew. That is all I could say, over and over. Ew.
I’ve gone without my splint for most of the day today (the doctor said I don’t need it, but can wear it if I want) and so far, so good. I do still feel like my hand is curved and I can’t straighten it – like I am holding the computer mouse. I think that is just from the soft-cast and the incision in the center of my hand, and I’m sure as the scab goes away it will get better. I have some pain in my wrist and thumb still, especially when I try to move my hand from side-to-side. I also have difficulties opening things like jars or turning doornobs. My overall recovery time is 6 weeks though, and we aren’t even at the 3 week mark yet, so I know some of this will improve with time.
I’m off to try to knit now. I signed up in November for a class on Aran sweater knitting next Tuesday taught by Beth Brown-Reinsel and I want to make sure I’m up for it! I would really hate to miss this class, but there is a waiting list to get in. If I’m not up to knitting, I can pass my spot on to someone else. The doctor said I’m ready; I hope he is right!
7 replies on “Drink Up!”
That’s a lovely photograph! Just today, Dale was looking at some photo forum and someone had posted a lot of photos from the Cockrell Butterfly Center. I know he wants to go there to take pictures. Especially since he got a nice macro lens for Christmas.
And I laughed when I poked my head in and saw the default WP template. I just upgraded my install this evening, so I’ve got the same design right now!
Ah yes, I remember that feeling well (the squeamish – I had the same op you had, only on my elbow).
Hope you had some fresh steri-strips to put back on to give your wound a little extra help while it’s healing.
good photograph! I have the same issue with my 105mm f/2.8 — I never know for sure if I really focused where I wanted to focus or if the image really came out the way I thought it did through the viewfinder and the display.
Hope the knitting attempt went okay! It has to be hard, it seems like you just had your surgery!
looks like you upgraded to 2.0? will this comment go into moderation again? LOL
i don’t know if Mike gave you the message that i called the other day. i wanted to tell you that Tom got himself a (the) Digital SLR. i think it’s a model down from yours. i have no idea.
Oh, Pamela! You have to take him there to take pictures. It is *so* much fun! Especially with a macro lens. Mmmmm… macro.
Pixeldiva, no other steri-strips to put back on the hand. I’m still hesitant to touch the one in my palm very much, but the one on my wrist looks like I had a small scratch and it is almost gone. Heck, half of the scab has fallen off already!
Jess, I ended up skipping the knitting attempt last night. The TiVo was calling for me to come delete old TV shows. Today. I will do it today!
Daysies, upgraded, inspired by you, Akismet installed, and your comment went live right away! Mike told me you called, and I forgot to call you back. I’ll call you shortly. dSLRs are yummy! 😀
Hope you are up to taking that knitting class because Beth is THE BEST TEACHER EVER! (and belated, but wishing you guys a happy, healthy and prosperous 2006!)
That’s a really cool pic! I came across this site while looking for wedding information and this site was linked to my search term, but once I got on the site I decided to have a peek around!
Enjoy the knitting!