Geek Love

Drumroll, Please…

Matt is here, and we have converted the 3500+ entry blog to WordPress! He was impressed with how fast Blogomania handled the import of all of my posts, only having a memory timeout issue towards the end.

Skins haven’t been brought back online yet. The default design needs some tweaking, including bringing in the Pixelog photos on the top. First we have to import Pixelog to WordPress too, then the rest of my blogs will fall into place.

For now, it’s time for lunch. Because the best way to get Matt’s help is to offer him a really good meal.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

23 replies on “Drumroll, Please…”

It looks great! Did you change the font as well? It looks crisper. It could just be my eyes fooling me though. Maybe I’ll switch over to WP myself at some point. I’ve had a WP test blog set up for months, and I really like it.

wow! the layout looks great! looks nearly 100% to your MT layout. the comment textbox is bleeding into your right sidebar, but other than that, i’m very impressed! before too long, most of my reads will be WP powered. i’m keeping track.

Christine-I’m viewing with Firefox.8 at 800×600 and this part of the comments box does indeed bleed over into the archive links at the right. I found this to be true on almost any WP site that designs for 1024×768 as its smallest resolution and then is viewed at 800×600, including the WP site BTW.

I really want to get my site up with WP but I’m just a big chicken because I have no PHP coding experience. If you’re having trouble I hate to think what’s going to happen to me! Aieee!

Seriously, any problems I have had are related to the fact that I quite simply HATE CSS. The PHP part is easy. Just like you don’t have to know Perl to run MT, you don’t have to know PHP to run WP. Well, if you want to write hacks, etc. – but just to run the blog? Not a problem.

CSS makes my eyes bleed.

Oh, and I’m running Firefox too – although 0.9.1 – and the comment box isn’t bleeding over for me at all. No matter how tiny I resize my window, the comment box is separated from the content in the sidebar.

See?!? Bleeding eyes. *shakes fist at CSS code!*

i’m a Firefox girl, same version as you. no more IE on my laptop. i’m running at 1024×768. can’t tell my text size though. on my desktop, i’m running IE 6.0 at 1024×768 w/ medium text size and the outline of the comment box does not bleed over. i’ve found Firefox to play with CSS a little.

i think i know what the problem is. in IE, the “powered by” snippet (which includes the # of queries and seconds it took to load) is at the bottom of the page. in Firefox, i see it at the bottom of the sidebar. that’s what’s pushing the left border of the sidebar over and eating into the comment box.

That’s really strange – we did all the design work in Firefox. On my monitor, the “powered by” line comes up on the bottom of the screen, in the center – where it belongs.

I wonder if it’s an issue with it being the older version of Firefox? Hmmm…

Ah. In that case, let me repeat myself, “Bwak, bwak, bwak…” 😀 Seriously though, I’ll get to it, probably as a behind-the-scenes installation so I don’t screw up my entire site.

The comment form seems to bleed occasionally in Firefox 0.8 No idea why.

And I’ll use 0.9 once it’s stable and my plugins work for it!

Will you kill CSS with me? Never has something been such a blessing and such a curse. Sure, you can do some pretty amazing stuff with it. But somedays it just seems like you’re in prison, and your bunkmate is a big neurotic hunk of a human called “CSS” who periodically laughs maniacally and says in a creepy voice: “I really like your padding-bottom.”

Okay, off on a tangent there. But let’s just say that after my latest redesign I was ready to strangle to death the designers of CSS and the coders for Internet Explorer. Actually… why not just lock both groups in a room and let them battle to the death? They must HATE each other!

Those of you looking at moving from MT to an alternative blogging system may be interested in an article I wrote last week on the subject. A followup based on the comments I have received will be appearing in the next few days as time allows. The article can be found on my website enjoy and feel free to enter comments or email me.

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Drumroll, Please…

The time has come to unveil the …


I have to say right here & now that Jennifer did a FANTASTIC job of translating my design and programming ideas into reality while adding ideas of her own. As I said in the “photographer” page there, for many months I have wanted to set up a photolog to showcase all of the images I have been gathering through the years, but the ideas I had in my mind for how the “Pixelog” (as it has come to be known) should work were trapped there – I did not have the programming knowledge or the full web design skills to make the vision complete. Jennifer came to my rescue and has assisted me in turning what was a vision into a reality in less then a week, and I am forever grateful to her. I think it is the perfect showcase for my photography. Thank you, Jennifer!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Drumroll, Please…”

The first photo will be a changin’ … it’s the most recent MT post. (I added that photo last…) And the thumbnails across the top are the most recent posts, and the “Albums” page has all sorts of awesome features that Jenn figured out how to do!

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