If you’re like me, you might be relatively lost in the main index template of WordPress. Ok, seriously lost. Especially if you converted from MT. However, reading this will help you understand the ins-and-outs of the main index template. The comments included in it are wonderful, and I don’t feel quite so lost now.
It also comes in handy if you are a dork like me and you edit code that you shouldn’t have touched in the first place. Oops. All fixed now.
Pixelog had been converted to WP, but it’s not pretty yet. Not like it used to be. Matt started to cry when he saw that the site was still in tables. He said he can get it back to how it used to look, but it will take more time to twiddle with then we had today. Soon, very soon. No one reads the site anyways, since I haven’t posted new photos since December, 2003. Sad, I know. Soon. As soon as the conversion is complete.
I just have to say, this baby is FAAAAAAAAST!
5 replies on “Testing Out WordPress?”
I’m glad all has gone smoothly. Even if we aren’t doing a transition, it’s nice to know that we could.
I await the return of skins with some anticipation. The default version is blinding yet tiny.
happy 4th to you and yours may it be a safe one too.
Oooo… that helps SO much! yay.
Oh, and BTW, I’m getting an error when I comment…
Are you still getting an error? I think I’ve fixed it all. Let me know!