Know the Code

Evil Bastards!

Thanks to Gina, I learned that iWon (evil bastards!) is installing Trojan spyware on computers! You can read all about what she had to go through to remove it; meanwhile I’m off to download and run Spybot – Search & Destroy Software that she found thanks to TechTV. As for iWon? Evil Bastards! I don’t care if they warn you or not, don’t mess with my computer like that!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Evil Bastards!”

Oh yes – I’ve blogged about Ad-Aware before. I try to use that one every few months. Unfortunately, it’s not picking up on the iWon (Evil Bastards!) Trojans yet.

I used to use Kazaa-lite just to avoid the Kazaa spyware – that stuff is just evil. Fortunately, Ad-Aware picks up on Gator!

Well prevent trojans and viruses from running is simple on a windows platform. However, you will need to know that they are first. I always interogate the interfaces in the registry before and after installing any so-called “free” or “shareware” software. To date I have not had a virus, a worm, a trojan, etc., that has done anything harmful to my PC.

I just have a question. I had 2 trojan viruses on my pc a couple days ago, and my virus scanner detected them and fixed them. But, then i noticed a program called keyboard logger light on my pc, that evidently records all keyboard strokes made on my pc. When i took the program off, it ended up on my pc again a couple hours later. Is it possible for someone to has a remote access to my pc and to this? Or is it being done on my pc, because my wife and kids use it too, but i dont think they would do such a thing without me knowing. Thanx for your help.

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