Thanks to Matt my site should be loading much faster now. He added some magic secret lines of voodoo code that speed it up. He tried to explain it all to me – but I have taxed my techno powers this weekend so it just went over my head. Doesn’t really matter though – it seems to be zippy for me, and that is what matters. Let me know if you have any problems with it!
This post brought to you thanks to NewzCrawler and a tutorial on Newzcrawler BlogIt! by Kristine. I may never use a regular web browser again!
5 replies on “Zoom Zoom…”
He did some magic. Your site now loads in 1 second instead of the four it took 😉 I love DSL.
I must know what magic! I need it too! </whine>
I actually didn’t notice any difference, but I’m on broadband too, and usually have about 15 pages open. :-/
Voodoo = gzip 🙂
Mmm, gzip. Small note, those of you in Safari or Mac IE will not see the speed increase but the site works anyway. Nice. =)
OOooh! What’s gzip?! Please tell! Is there a link somewhere I can read about it? (I am noticing it downloading faster here)