So I set up the RSS feed with comments the other day. Lisa, aka Unix Gal, the Schneider of the blog world (she can fix anything!), wrote last night about why she doesn’t like it.
I love it for all of the opposite reasons. I am obsessed with keeping everything in NewzCrawler marked as “read”. It’s a challenge for me, and I zoom through posts trying to read them all. If your comments are constantly coming through as updates, I can’t keep on top of that “read” status at all! Especially on sites like Lisa’s or GeekGrrl that get a lot of comments. I left a comment about it earlier on Promo’s site, because on a Monday, I don’t want to see the 70 “I posted mine!” comments. I have to keep my NewzCrawler up to date!
On the other hand, if you have an interesting post that I commented on, I can flag it in NewzCrawler and come back later and see if other comments were made later. I can stay on top of the ones I’m interested in, ignoring the ones that I’m not – just like when I’m blog surfing, only faster. And my little obsessive issue is satisfied.
Lisa makes some really great points, don’t get me wrong. When I first set up my comment feed, I thought it was odd that it doesn’t flag it as updated whenever a comment is left. Now that I’ve had a day or two to get used to it, I like it that way. (I can see it now – we are all going to end up with 80 different types of feeds!)
6 replies on “For All the Other Reasons…”
Yeah, I can see this feed thing getting out of hand quickly. I’m going to try to provide as many options as I can, but I may stop linking to all of them on my index page. That list is already getting a bit long. LOL
I think it’s all a matter of personal tastes. I happen to like it the way you have set up as well… (and I’ve set it up for mine the same way) Not to discredit Lisa.. as you say, she has valid reasons… It’s just a personal preference thing… 😀
(also – NetNewsWire (mac) – does appear to flag it as “new” when a comment is left… so I know when there’s a post with a new comment… or maybe I just don’t understand the argument… )
Whew, I was a little worried that I might be ruffling feathers, but it really is a personal preference. And with the restricted posts, I think the way you do it makes the most sense.
I’m definitely going to play with feeds this weekend.
I have three now (RSS 2, RSS 1, comments), but I think I’m going to end up adding two more feeds.
But after that… That’s it! lol
i just do as the blog goddesses suggest… 😉 you guys all rock, in my humble opinion!
hope you’re enjoying this weather, christine…it’s amazing, isn’t it???
i like having the comments it as well and it doesn’t bother me that it doesn’t update. that certainly works for me for my newzcrwaler addiction. i have to have all of the envelopes open as well. tee hee. i am getting absolutely addicted though, i have spend some serious time on this today and i’m still not there yet! i do like how your entries have the wonderful pictures at the top. it really looks wonderful in the newsreader.