My Amazing Race comments probably don’t make sense without seeing the episode I am sure. But over at CBS, they will have a summary of the show, and after reading that, what I said should be a bit more clear. Summary? Team Guido (TGS!) is in 4th place. Frank & Margarita, Rob & Brennan, Drew & Kevin are all pretty much neck in neck. I think Drew & Kevin are in first place, but it may be Frank & Margarita. Nancy & Emily are still in the race, 5th place, but just minutes behind Team Guido (TGS!). Hope that helps! I must say though, the experience of reading about it on the website will NOT do justice to the look on Margarita’s face when she was going through the Temple of Rats. Eeeek. Man… she was one brave woman. When Emily & Joe did it the next day, there didn’t seem to be as many rats – which makes sense since they are more nocturnal. It was still gross.