With every wedding invitation envelope that I lick, I can’t help but think of the toxic envelope glue that killed Susan on Seinfeld. My only comfort is knowing that we didn’t buy these invitations from the back of the book, they weren’t discontinued, and they probably aren’t toxic. I hope.
But if I die, you will all know that it was the glue from the invitations. *hack, cough, hack*
8 replies on “Fortunately, It’s Not Toxic Glue…”
to prevent accidental death, fold up a paper towel (or washrag) and place it in a bowl… fill that halfway with water… so the towel is damp… then run the envelope over it as if it’s your surrogate tongue… voila! you’re alive!
Yep, that’s what I do – and use a paper towel underneath to absorb the water so you don’t leave your work surface wet to ruin the next envelope. 😀
Definitely use a sponge or the suggestions above; or one of those glue sticks. It’s quicker and you won’t get any paper cuts on your tongue.
Curses! My nefarious plot has been found out. I must turn to Plan B. Beware the post-ceremony bubbles…
dammit. everyone else beat me to it. definitely go the sponge route! I’m certain your invitations are sponge-worthy. 😉
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Last post. Again.
I feel so dumb. I’m so happy for you, Christine!
Last post. Again.
I feel so dumb. I’m so happy for you, Christine!