Thanks to Jennifer, I want an irock too! Beam your tunes to your FM receiver with their 300W wireless music adapter. That is just too cool!
Speaking of songs, I still need help with my playlist for the Blogwhore challenge! Anyone have any suggestions? I’ve got one for William, Jerwin and Max, plus mine. 4 down, 6 to go… Anyone?
2 replies on “Gimme! Gimme!”
IT’s MINE!!!! I bought it! WOO HOO!! I’ve been DYING for something like this. I think this just breathed some life into my mp3 player and the music collection on my computer.
I’m sorry girl, I’m just not the music savvy kind. Though surely there’s some East Coast / West Coast song reference that would work for Philo. And Kerr has to be something by Queen, maybe Bohemian Rhapsody “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me.” Or something heavy metal about sharpening axes.