Man. I just opened up the webcam software and glanced up while tweaking the settings – to see all that gray hair!!! I am only 31! Too much gray. Not for long though – it’s going tonight. I have said I was going to do it for 2-3 weeks, but that image is enough to motivate me to make it happen. Ugh.
Now I can’t stop humming that song… “Gonna wash that gray right outta my hair…”
Leave. Now. (Return though.) Go read I Really Must Insist You Leave. Then come back. That cat story had me laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. Oooooh… too funny.
And I found it thanks to Julie linking to it. Julie! Big *hugs* – such a pretty face to be all beat up by the car window. Man. Ouch. You know what though? Could have been a lot worse. Glad you’re ok. Sorry about all the mushy food.