
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Originally uploaded by bpc.

I’ve had this ornament ever since I was a little girl. I think our neighbors gave it to me when I was about 3. I must have it on the tree every year – it just isn’t Christmas without it!

Happy Holidays to everyone! May Santa bring you everything on your list!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Happy Holidays!”

My grandmother Charlotte Pletz just passed away this last thursday so I was doing a search and this came up her daughters name is Katherine and I’m just so curious about this if someone could contact me I would appreciate it so much

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Happy Holidays!

I’ve discovered something this week. It turns out that I am much more in the Christmas spirit from December 24th through the New Years celebrations than I am during the time leading up to Christmas. Maybe it’s because everything is done and you can relax and enjoy the time instead of worrying about shopping, wrapping, etc. I don’t know – but I’m enjoying my lovely Christmas tree (with lots of new ornaments!), the stockings hanging by the fireplace, and all of it so much more.

We had a fabulous holiday. On Christmas Eve, we got snow. Snow! In Houston! I think it was the first recorded snowfall here on a Christmas Eve. Fabulous, and it was a nice addition to the holiday. We went to my parent’s house for Christmas Eve and hosted Christmas day at our house. Our family tradition is to open family gifts on Christmas Eve, and Santa gifts on Christmas Day. (Santa brings gifts for everyone at our house.) This year, instead of hauling things over to my parent’s house, we opened the presents from them while we were there, and everything else at our house.

This was torture for Jason, who really wanted an X-Box. It wasn’t at my parent’s house though – he had to wait until Christmas morning to receive it.

We baked, we cooked, Mike made a holiday feast for Christmas day. The food was wonderful, and the company was even better. We all had a really great time.

My Dad was tired though by the time Christmas day was winding down, so he went home and the plan was that we would just drive my Mom home later. Instead, when we realized it was almost 1 am, I just found her some pajamas and she spent the night at our house – and didn’t go home until midnight last night! It was nice having her here to visit. Plus she helped us with the fudge and peppermint bark that we made, and she gave me a refresher course in how to crochet.

This year, we all exchanged handmade gifts. It was a nice twist, and in some ways we all put more thought into those gifts than the others. (With the exception of the Xbox and all the goodies that went with it.) I made a set of coasters for my Dad, a cute set of notecards for my Mom, and a photo album for Mike. My Dad made us a Christmas tree shaped cheese tray and a carved “fishing boy” (my request). My Mom had contacted Mike’s mom and created a cookbook for us that has family recipes and some of the stories behind them. It’s fantastic and I love it!

All in all, a very good holiday!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Happy Holidays!”

Aww, that cook book is a really good idea! I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future. We’re still diggin our way out of the snow up here in Ohio, but then we’re used to it. It might get up to 26 degrees tomorrow! Hehe. Happy Holidays 🙂

You need to add that your Dad was tired because he works retail…he had to be back at his store by 6 a.m. on Dec. 26th! Be nice to retail people at Christmas as they are the ones who have to man the stores until midnight, etc. He slept in the car also while we were in church for the Christmas service!

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Happy Holidays…

Well, well, well … what to say. I’m almost at a loss for words, even though hours have passed since I first got the news. What news? Well, rather than the usual holiday glee and fun, I’ll be spending the next few weeks looking for a new job.

Yes, looking for a new job.

What a way to start off the week. What a way to start off the month of December. What a day.

However, I’m not in a panic. Yes, the techno industry job market sucks right now – but I’ve said for several months how I miss the corporate world. I can still keep my feet in the web world thanks to Blogomania, but I’ve already set up interviews for later this week for jobs in the legal and corporate world. It’s time.

Everything happens for a reason – I’ve been through this before and I came out on top then, I’m sure I’ll come out on top again. Thank you again to my parents, Mike, Chelsey, Kymberlie, and Brian for their support today. Seriously, it made things a lot easier to handle. I needed you guys, and you were there for me. It means a lot.

If you’ve sent me e-mails … well, they’ve been wiped out thanks to all of this. If I haven’t answered you, please resend it and I’ll get it answered as quick as I can. If you sent me your address within the past week for holiday card swapping, could you e-mail me that info again too? I was planning on working on Holiday cards tonight – looks like the plans have changed a little, I have a resume to tweak!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

56 replies on “Happy Holidays…”

Oh, no! 🙁 I’m sorry, chica. That just so sucks!!! And damn them for doing that to you during the Holidays!!! Are they nuts or what? My work has been on a hiring freeze for god knows how long… and I’ll see if they can squeeze in someone… and I’ll see if Tom has any openings at his job. They’re always hiring people even when the market sucks. Just send me your resume. *HUGEHUGS*

Sorry to hear it. I’m sure you’ll land on your feet. (and when you do, maybe you can get me a job, too.) Seriously, things are loosening up a little out there. Good luck.

Well Merry Christmas to you and here’s a pink slip. What a bummer. I’m getting vibes at my work too so I’m more than a little nervous as well. You are awesome, however, so I’m sure this will work out for the best in the end. Good luck on the job hunting.

Oh my goodness… I’m so sorry, that bites. 🙁 I’ll sure be thinking good thoughts that this will turn out for the best in the long run. And if I can proof resumes and ANYTHING, just ask. {{hugs}}

Wow. You’re the second person whose blog I visited today that got laid off. I’m sorry to hear it, though I’m inspired by your great attitude.

You’re right–great things await.

I’m sorry to hear that Christine. As trite as this sounds, you will find something bigger and better. You’re so talented and personable. Good luck in your search. If you need anything, I’m sure your readers would be glad to lend a hand, myself included. 🙂

God I am really sorry to hear that. I am very sympathetic and wonder If we will ever be able to work with out fear and paranoia of being laid off. If there is anything I can do let me know.

Yikes! Way to look on the positive side, though!! I’m sure you’ll find something soon – you’re a talented gal and any place would be lucky to get someone like you! 😀

i went through that last february and will go through it again next march. my thoughts are definitely with you. i’m sorry for the timing…..corporate america is pretty heartless.

I just started reading your journal, and I have been through jobs let-gos for the past 3 years, and I can honestly say “I’m sorry” and wish you didn’t have to be looking for a job over the holidays. You have wonderful friends who surround you and I can only think positive thoughts that you will not be looking for long. 🙂

I’m sorry this happened to you in December. I know of a law firm downtown hiring contract people for a big trial for a month or two but you can’t have any Enron ties. I’m not sure if they’re still staffing up, but if you want the number of the office manager there, send me an email. Good luck!

Christine, that so sucks!!! 🙁 I love your attitude – it will get you far! I am just so shocked, it seemed like you liked that job and were liked back, etc. KWIM? Just makes you realize all the more that nothing is EVER certain. Hang in there and good luck job searching!!!

My goodness, the only word that comes to mind is “bummer,” though that may be a result of my cold medicene. Talented people such as yourself are never out of work for long.

man…i don’t know what to say other than that is such a bummer.

email me if you want me to help you in any way, or if you’re looking for some additional contacts, i might be able to help you.

big hug to you, and i’m just glad that you have so many friends to help you through this crappy time. 🙂

Christine, my thoughts are with you. I have a good feeling you will come out of this on top. With your talent and positive attitude, any employer should consider itself fortunate to get you. Good luck.

Oh, that truly sucks, Christine. Timing is everything, isn’t it? My hubby was laid off this time last year. I know there’s no way you’ll be out of work long. Hang in there!

That was a suprising post. It’s terrible that it happened right here before the holidays. Nothing I could say will make it any easier, but you’re in my thoughts. Everything will work out for you, I know it. *hugs* If you ever need anything, let me know.

arrggh! job hunting usually isn’t fun — but you’ve already shown that amazing Christine-Resilience of yours! you have an amazing attitude towards life — and i really admire you for it! i know this will be just a brief interlude for you!

Christine, I’m sorry about this, but I like your attitude. You’ll definitely come out on top. Good luck on your interviews. You definitely have a lot of good vibes heading your way.

I too feel bad that you lost your job – holidays or not. Although I don’t know anyone in Houston, if there is anything else I can do, please let me know – Seriously. Even if its sending you a donation for Jason’s holiday gifts. I’d be happy to help.

Christine, I am so sorry to hear about your job. Hoping that the next job you find will be better then the last, but with you wonderful talents it is bound to be such. Good luck with the interviews. sending you all the positive good luck vibes we can muster.

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