Who needs a doctor when we have WebMD? Remember how I keep saying that I have no other symptoms other than a sore throat and a fever? Yeahhhh… seems that one of the signs you have Strep Throat is that it does “not occur with coldlike symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or a runny or stuffy nose. In general, the more coldlike symptoms you have, the less likely it is that your sore throat is a strep infection.”
I have no coldlike symptoms. None. However, I do have a sore throat that started sudden and severe.
Oh … fun.
6 replies on “Who Needs a Doctor?”
Oh YUCK. I used to get strep throat every year it seems and it’s really miserable. Espescially when you’re hungry. Missed you last night babe!
Strep throat is no good at all. You’ll be able to feel swelling under your jaw, not to mention the pain during swallowing.
I hope that’s not what you have…!
Oh yes, that is where the pain started – right under my jaw. Still really hurts there too – more on the left side now then the right. Ouch. 🙁
yep, strep throat it could be, did you get a quick test, go get yourself some drugs, before you share it? he he he
You don’t even necessarily get a sore throat with strep. I used to get allergy shots and the nurse would look in your ears and nose and take your temp first. One day she asked if I had a sore throat, and I said no. She did a swab, and lo and behold, I had strep.
Feel better!
I hope you get to feeing better soon. {{{HUGS}}}