I did it! I did it! The new and improved BPC Lite just received a “This Page Is Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!” You can see for yourself – Validation Results for BPC Lite.
UPDATE: Validating my CSS was a lot easier – a quick phone call to Matt to get help figuring out the errors, stripping out the oh-so-cute but not valid scrollbars, and now I am pleased to announce that the CSS is valid too!
I would like to dedicate this moment to Tantek for not laughing at me too hard when I said CSS makes my eyes bleed and instead convincing me that I could do it. I also want to dedicate it to Matt for his helpful hand-holding and coding along the way, and Kristine for her CSS zen help.
Wow. Valid XHTML, Valid CSS, and Valid RSS. I think I’ve hit a new level of Geek Nirvana.
5 replies on “I Did It!!!”
Beautiful 🙂
woo hoo!!! validation is awesome! 🙂
CSS Zen..Geek Nirvana – are we developing a new form of WeBuddhism? Filled with Source Code Satori and RSS Koans?
Very nice and very fast loading, too.
Hehe, very nice indeed! 😀
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