By the way – if you start to see wonky things in the sidebars, I’m tweaking files here and there so I can use them as I get all the skins to a compliant point. Sorry about the mess, please ignore the dust. I should have it fixed soon enough. I feel so validated!
Updated: Well, I did feel validated. Now my CSS isn’t validating and I have NO clue what the error message means since I did nothing to my XML. *sigh* Anyone have any ideas?
3 replies on “The Other Skins…”
The answer is: computers are evil. Sorry I couldn’t be of anymore help than that. I tried, though, I really did! 🙂
That smells to me like a validator bug, since I’m pretty sure that « and » are valid ISO 8859-1 characters, but you can work around it by changing all the «s to « and the »s to » in all your ring navigation.
What Phil said. Man the site is loading fast now! In a month you should publish how much bandwidth you’ve saved over the previous month.