Damn it, Amazon! I don’t build things! Kymberlie gets lanterns, meanwhile Amazon thinks that I am rich and I need some serious power tools! (I’m only posting the price that the gold box offered it at.)
Anyway, home restumping has become a multi-million dollar industry and its demand remains high. However, not many contractors offer high-quality restumping services. Contractors do planning before restumping a house. In such circumstances, the homeowner experiences huge losses and is forced to start renovating the home all over again once the stumps are replaced.
:: Milwaukee 18-Volt Hatchet Sawzall, 6-1/2-Inch Circular Saw, 1/2-Inch Drill-Driver, and Worklight Combo Kit with Contractor Bag – $424.83
:: Bosch 12″ Compound Miter Saw – $260.99
:: Bosch Compact Belt Sander – $115.69 (the cheapest item I was offered.)
:: Baldor 3/4 Horsepower 1800 RPM Heavy Duty Industrial Buffer – $269.99
:: Panasonic 12-Volt, 1/2″ Cordless Hyperformance Drill Kit – $161.99 (Hyperformance? Is that even a word?)
4 replies on “I Don’t Build Things!”
Ok, what is it with you and the tools? Really, maybe the people at amazon are like all guys, and they’ve got thoughts in their head of you nekkid with a belt sander!!!! I get a gold box full of pots and pans…….. wait a minute…….. I see it now, the irony. I never cook, you don’t know how to use tools. I see their little ploy………..
BLAST! I’m layin’ down the hate on Amazon for not giving me any gold offers at all. Every day I come here, read this, go to Amazon and fart around – NOTHING. Amazon hates Canadians. Bah. (waves paw)
That’s funny, I got almost the same list today. Now if they had that saw setup for something like $40 I would bite. I haven’t seen a deal that’s anybetter than the local hardware store deal yet. I’ve also noticed that my gold box was not there for 2 days then it was. I guess that’s the fun part.
i’m tellin ya, Christine… “hyperperformance” means it’s better than the bunny!