Educate Me

I GOT A B!!!

I got a B! I got a B! I got a B! I just pulled up my grades online again, since they weren’t there 40 minutes ago, and I got a B! I got a B!

(Yes, really – I keep saying it over and over. I’m just that shocked. I even called Mike as I typed this and squealed “I got a B!” probably 5 times. I got a B!)

*whew* Big sigh of relief. Maybe my headache will go away now! I got a B!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

14 replies on “I GOT A B!!!”

HI, and WELL DONE!!! A B is fantastic – it may interest you to know that in South Africa a B is between 70-79 % which I think is different to America – so WOW. In SA anything over 80% is an A. In America a B is 80-89% right? So your B is actually an A in South AFrica. Hurray!! I’ve been meaning to ask you your main motivation for returning to college. It’s just that I left university half way through my third year – having changed my course and majors like a zillion times. Now that I’m 30 I’m toying with the idea of either doing a B.Com Acc. degree or something a little more fun like B.A. (Graphic Design) or a BSc Equine Science – they ‘re all offered by different places – and some are way more expensive than others (i.e. the Equine Science is the most…(hell I hope I don’t go switching courses again). I wouldn’t be able to actually attend classes – since I’m an SAHM, but I could do the course by correspondence or online. What advice would you have for someone like myself thinking of doing a degree?

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