Educate Me

My Head Hurts…

Today’s Chemistry final? EVIL. HARD. IMPOSSIBLE. So many other descriptive terms come to mind. Ugh. It was BAD. We had 2 hours to do it, which didn’t seem too bad – 20 questions, so that should be ok, right? Wrong. I think I left 4-5 questions completely blank in the end. I simply didn’t have time to do them. Out of 20 questions, 15 would count – so the first 5 that you missed were throw away questions. I did the math last night – I needed to get 100 out of 150 points to get a B in the class. I needed a 150 out of 150 to get an A. Ha! I know that isn’t happening! But I’m really scared that I’m not going to get a B either. Ugh.

She said our grades would be posted online this afternoon. So far, nothing. I’m not sure if I can take the stress. It has been almost 3 hours since I left that test, and my head still hurts from it.

I had considered taking my photography final today too – I’m so glad I didn’t do that! I was mush after the Chemistry final. So tomorrow I go back for my last final. That one shouldn’t be too bad, as it is the same lenght as our midterm and he gave us a good study guide for it. I’ll be working on that later today.

It is ironic how much I am freaking out over possibly getting a C in Chemistry II. My GPA at North Harris right now is 3.87. Considering I never broke the 2.0 mark overall the first 2 years I went to college, a 3.87 is awesome. So if my GPA for this semester is a 3.0, my overall will still be pretty high. Did that matter to me earlier today? No. Now I’m just upset because it won’t be a 3.87 anymore.

I left campus today questioning why I’m even there, which was wrong of me. I need to stop beating myself up. I am smart. I am intelligent. I can do this. But first I need to rest. My head still hurts.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.