Remember when you were in college and you would tell everyone you ran into how drunk you were? Now that we’ve reached the digital age, instead of phone calls, I’m getting the digital equivalent from Robyn, who is now sending me “I am soooooooooooooooooo…drunk! xoxoxoxoXXXo” via e-mail. I think the x’s & o’s are the same as when you hug all your friends and give them all kisses on the cheek, like the French do.
Meanwhile, I’ve been mooned by both Todd and Annessa. And yes, they were screencaptured. Now, who wants copies? *wink* Oh! Statia has finally returned to the Tobyn hot tub. This should be interesting…
Bloggers gone wild. Coming to a video store near you soon.
Correction: Just received e-mail from Robyn informing me that the last e-mail was from Statia. I have a sneaky suspicion that Robyn is probably just as drunk.
10 replies on “It’s Like College All Over Again…”
I am soooo…drunk. But thank god still clothed! LOL!
Yeah, what’s up with that??? 😉
I…am smarter than the average bear! ;-p It’s all about the blackmail baby!
Okay… Well it’s good to know I didn’t imagine that stuff in some sleep induced haze. I thought I saw some… umm.. interesting stuff. 😉
I have no idea what is going on. Where am I?
Hmmmm… I have photos that can clue you in on where you have been. My personal favorite is the one with the feet up around your neck. ROFL!
Ooh goodie, I was hoping someone had some screen captures. How about a trade of some big pink cookies? 😉
email? What email? Mike, are you pretending to be me and send Christine emails again??
Geesh, I really missed out on Saturday night! You’ve got to break out the screen captures soon so we can all enjoy the inside jokes that will be rampant over the next week …
Picture page – it’s picture page!
Finally up…30 new photos from this past weekend in Shutterblog!