
Kid n Ewe Guest List!

Tonight I got shut down by an attack of the GERD, so this post is not full of photos as I had planned for it to be. On a positive note, the incomplete Cable Twist sock is now done, and I will wear it to class tomorrow on my right foot, while I wear my air cast on my left foot. Seems that the “you can stop wearing it in 3 weeks” statement from my doctor before wasn’t quite accurate, and I still have swelling around my ligaments in my left ankle, so I am supposed to wear it whenever I walk any distance for the next month. I have to wear a full sock under it, so I’ll wear an ugly white sock on my left foot, and my pretty red one on the right. That shouldn’t earn me too many crazy looks, right?

On to the Kid n Ewe Guest List! In addition to myself and Julia, we had:
– Katy Blogless
Nan C.
– Linda, Sister of Janna
– Jody, Friend of Janna (and new knitter!)
Susan (along with Ken)
– Jene No Blog
– Jane, whose blog URL I did not write down

Did you see who was missing? Stalker Angie! Seriously, if any event needed a knit stalker, it was this one. I mean, there were throngs of knitters everywhere. But no Stalker Angie. I was bummed. Ok, really, I was bummed about everyone who was unable to make it, but we all noticed the missing stalker.

I also have to give HUGE PROPS to the gracious donors of door prizes:
– Caro of Splityarn – business card holders and a needle case
– Jeanette Selleck, Fancy Stitcher – embroidered sock bag (contact me if you want to purchase one – they are super handy!)
Brooks Farm Yarn – two lovely skeins of their Riata yarn
Discount Yarn Sales – eight (8!) skeins of Hill Country Sock Yarn
– Hockett Would Work – a beautiful wood carved drop spindle

Thank you again to everyone for coming out – it was a really great time! I only wish I would have had more time to sit & visit with everyone. We are just going to have to start having knitter retreats or something like that – giant slumber parties that last 2 or 3 days in order to get all of the socializing in! Who is up for that?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “Kid n Ewe Guest List!”

There’s always the Wildflower Fiber retreat in March and the Knitting camp in August. If you don’t know about those, let me know and I’ll give you the email of the person to contact to find out about them.

I went to the Wildflower Retreat once and had a blast. Unfortunatly, it seems to always conflict with another event that I do at the same time every year.

I wish I had made it to KnE this year. It sounds like you all had a blast. I spoke with the SO and he said that we’d go to both the Highland Games and KnE next year. It just wasn’t feasible this year. 🙁

I am SO up for some sort of Texas Knitblogger Slumber Party! Kristin mentioned the DFW fiber fest in April; I’m not sure how good the actual “fest” is, but to me, it’s just a good excuse to get together with a bunch of knitbloggers! And there’s Caro’s idea for a SXSW event, too.

Thanks for posting the list — I wish I’d gotten around to talking to everyone, too!

Thanks for posting the list and sending out props, I forgot. I am sorry about your big owie – I guess the weekend took it’s toll. A retreat sounds like a great idea – or a slumber party – I imagine we could combine them. Maybe then I could learn how to use that spindle I got. It looks kinda nekkid.

I would *so* be up for Knitter Slumber Parties! That’s a great idea. Sorry I didn’t make KnE — I just had too many family things to get taken care of this weekend. And now I am down with the Death Plague, so it’s just as well I didn’t come around sharing my germs.

I hate work! It gets in the way of my knitting…hence why I wasn’t at KnE.

I wanted to ask you (and maybe the others that were there!!), did you see many wheel vendors? I am prepping for the DFW FiberFest (End of April, we’ll plan later!). I am thinking, and I may be wrong here, that they might have some of the same-ish kinda vendors. I am wondering if I wanna get my wheel in Jan or try some out in April. Any thoughts?

Gosh, this is a long comment…Plan on coming up to DFW in April?? 🙂

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