
Knit 1, Knit 2, Knit 383…

Guess what? Guess what? I learned how to cast on! I learned how to do the knit stitch! And it seems like every 6-8 rows that I knit, I end up having to rip some back out – so now I have mastered getting it back on the needle after I rip a bunch out!

It’s just a practice piece, so why am I so worried about mistakes? I guess I’m afraid my teacher will crack down on me and give me a bad grade. Wait. I’m not getting grades in this class? Really? Well, I don’t care. I want to do it right, without having to rip it out over and over again!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

12 replies on “Knit 1, Knit 2, Knit 383…”

my mom got me knitting lessons for xmas – i have to make an appointment because with 4 hours a day on the train i may be able to finish a sweater a week (hah!) congrats on casting on!!

I just took knitting classes this past fall and I’m taking the second level class in a few weeks.
Our teacher made us keep going on our practice square for one week between classes. She said that she wanted us to not rip anything out no matter how bad we messed up. At the next class she taught us how to bind off and said to put the square away in a drawer and take it out and look at it in a few weeks etc.
Well I looked at mine the other day and it was great to see how awful it was and how far I had come from those days. I think I’m going to frame it.
So make a practice square and just keep going. No matter what mistakes you make keep going,you’ll love looking back and seeing how far you’ve come later on.

Oooh, the stitches I’ve ripped out! Sometimes even now, when I start a new pattern, I convince myself that I’m doing it wrong and rip the whole thing out and start over. You’ve only just begun to rip, Christine. Brace yourself! 🙂

Congratulations! 🙂 I remember the first time I actually managed to cast on and knit an entire row, I think I laugh like a madwoman for 5 minutes afterwards, I was so excited.

May I echo mac and welcome you to the cult? 😉

Congrats on getting into knitting! I just finished my first scarf in about 20 years. I just learned how to purl last night, my teacher is 15 and is related to me. 😉

I can’t wait to see what you create!

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