Know what is guaranteed to make your Monday a good day? Receiving a bouquet of a dozen gorgeous red roses at work! Whee! They are just so beautiful, and definitely makes my Monday a happy day! (Click photo for larger version.)
Why did I get flowers today, you ask? Because Mike and I (finally) met in person a year ago. So he sent me flowers to celebrate! Awwww…
23 replies on “Monday Fix…”
aaawww… how cute!!! and that was the first time i met you, too (in person). happy anniversary all around!
wow…I didn’t realize that it had been a year already!
Those roses are BEAUTIFUL! Congrats on your one year!!! I wish you many more happy ones! 🙂
Hey! You have a window office! That’s not fair! (Oh, and congratulations about the whole anniversary thing…)
Yay! That’s is so sweet. Congrats to you two lover-birds.
Kathy, didn’t we meet at Star Pizza? I was thinking you were there with Elaine that night – I came late, Kymberlie & Steven were there before me. Hmmm…
Donna, not only is it a window office, but it has a GREAT view too!
Awww bless…. that’s so sweet!!
Congrats on the year thing… may you have many more.
Woooo! Gorgeous roses! What a sweet guy! Congrats on one year! 😀
So cute.
I remember that post! That’s when I found out Greg (puzzle) and Clayton (page) were long time friends and I didn’t realize it! I thought that was so cool of everyone meeting each other!
Awww super sweet!!! 🙂
Super. I’m waiting for that wonderful kind of Monday myself.
oh yeah, i did meet you at Star Pizza! i forgot about that! and i had met Mike earlier than that, i think.
where is my head! i shouldn’t have written that earlier comment without getting my facts straight.
thank God i have you to remember every single detail. 🙂 *hug*
Awwwww, how sweet.
I know this doesn’t do much for the asshole image I’m trying to uphold, but I send flowers at least once a month.
Yeah Geoffrey, I’ve met you in person. I have a hard time buying in to the asshole image. Oh, I’m sure you have your moments, but we all do… (I still voted for you though. I figured you would wear the title with pride!)
aww! so sweet. happy one year meeting anniversary :o)
Heh, my brother voted for me over 3500 times tonight. He lives in the sticks of Maine. I guess there isn’t much else to do.
Awwww, what a sweetie!
That is too sweet….
awww…you guys are too cute! roses are so cool to receive, happy anniversary! 😉
on a more positive note:
ella: *coyly raising her little hands, whispering* “Get yo’ hands up! Get yo’ hands up!”
To Be Loved
Somedays you just feel loved, know what I mean? For instance, I mention to Steven that Christine got flowers today