Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.33

PromoGuy’s Monday Mission, actually on a Monday. Try not to faint from the shock.

1. Many children have blankets, or a favorite nubby stuffed animal that they like to keep near them for security. Do you recall what you had for your “security blanket” as a child? When did you finally give it up? What brought that about? I was a stuffed animal, teddy bear, doll kind of kid. I had a Dressy Betsy – you could tie her shoes, button her clothes, and so forth. It was so cool. I got really sick one time and she was the casualty victim of it. I don’t remember if I got sick on her (ewwww) or if it was just a matter of I had an illness and she didn’t survive the washing machine. I still have one of my childhood teddy bears – I remember when he lost his nose. My Mom never could get a new one to stick on, so he still doesn’t have one. And half of his felt eye is missing. He’s well loved.

2. Now that you are a big kid, what do you have to give you that same sense of security? Oh, you mean I was supposed to give up my teddy bear?

3. With a little over four months left in 2002, have you accomplished everything you wanted to for the year? Is there anything that you would like to accomplish before the year is over? I haven’t done everything I said I said I wanted to do, but I have made great strides. I want to save more money so I can move. I want to lose weight. I still have more de-cluttering to work on. I need to read more books. I want to do more things.

4. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me children have it pretty good these days. Game systems, computers in the home, microwaves, cable TV, the internet, cell phones and pagers, they certainly have a wider variety of technology than most of us did as children. What modern convenience, if any, do you think it would be good for children today to do without? What would they gain? I had almost all of these things when I was a kid. We had a computer (but no Internet), cable, a microwave, a stereo. I don’t know if the kids today should go without technology (because that would mean that I have to give it up too!) but I think that they should learn to use it wisely. Know when to turn it off. Go outside and play more. We’re turning in to a fat society and we all need some exercise.

5. Many of us have one thing in which we believe we excel. What do you do better than most? Uhm, yeah. No idea. Talk? Listen? Take pictures?

6. In the United States, and possibly other countries, teenagers in High School usually wind up falling into several social circles or “cliques.” Stoners, Rich Kids, Jocks, Cheerleaders, Band, Drama, Goths, and so on (though the names are probably different today). What High School “clique” did you find yourself in? Was it by choice or did it just happen? Did you look down on other groups? (Aw it’s ok, it was/is High School, we all did dumb stuff) I was one of those people that was never just a part of ONE clique. I had friends in every different circle. I didn’t look down on anyone, normally. Ok, I made fun of the girls on the drill team that were snobs. But I was willing to get to know them and discovered that most (but not all) of them weren’t as shallow as I first thought they were.

7. (it begins) I have great news! I won the contest and we now have plane tickets to anywhere in the world. The bad news is we have to pick a place now and leave in the morning. I can’t decide where to go, so you get to pick. Where should we go, and what is the first thing we should do when we get there? We’re going to Germany. I’ve never been North of Frankfurt, so let’s head to Cologne (Koln) first – I want to see the big Cathedral. We also have to visit Wurzburg, Rothenberg, Neinberg, Munich, Heidelberg, and of course the Neuschwanstein Castle. From there, we can go to Austria. I have family there near Vienna that we must go say “Hi!” to.

BONUS: Must I beg you? Sure you should.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “Monday Mission 2.33”

I’m pretty sure it was Dressy Bessie – I never had one, but I circled it and Dapper Dan repeatedly year after year in the JC Penney Christmas catalogue, but did my parents take the hint? NOOOO.

Of course, that might be because I also circled about 8,000 other things every year.

i know what you mean i still have my dressy bessie, well kind of i gave it to my daughter and she enjoys it as much as i did.

I don’t know if the Dressy Bessie or Dapper Dan dolls are made anymore, but it is ironic that these are being discussed, b/c my daughter’s 1st bday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I wanted to get her a Dressy Bessie — I had one as a kid and I loved mine but I have no idea where it would be! H

I don’t know if the Dressy Bessie or Dapper Dan dolls are made anymore, but it is ironic that these are being discussed, b/c my daughter’s 1st bday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I wanted to get her a Dressy Bessie — I had one as a kid and I loved mine but I have no idea where it would be! H

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