
One Week to Boston!

In one week, we will be on the plane heading for Boston. When I told Jason that Boston is slightly north of New York City, he asked me if there will be snow there. I certainly hope not! Not in August!

I am (finally) sending out the Evites for the “H-Town meets Beantown” gathering tonight. One problem though … my list of guests is over 20 people long. Does anyone have a suggestion of somewhere in the Harvard Square area that could handle a group that large on a Friday night? (6pm – come when you can, leave when you want…)

If you haven’t spoken up already, let me know if you want an Evite too!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

11 replies on “One Week to Boston!”

depends, are you thinking dinner? just drinks? a coffee house? married to Harvard Square or open to Central Square (only 10 minutes away, and generally less crowded, esp. on a friday night) give me some direction, I’ll do the research.

Hrm, if I get on my bike now, I could probably be up there by next week … 😉 Of course, I don’t want to get caught in the snow on my bike so maybe I’d better just wait. Yeah, I’ll wait til the Big Pink Cookie tour comes to Richmond – that’s it. 😉

OMG… if there’s snow here when you’re here – then you I may just have to hide in your luggage when you go home!!! LOL! (However, with New England weather in general, and especially the weather THIS year – nothing would surprise me at this point) 😉

One more thing while I’m thinking of it… Pack for a range of temperatures. It’s been really weird here – hot/humid to chilly/rainy (70/80s during the day 60’s at night). (Then again, ALL of that may be “cold” to you Texan-types.) 😉

There’s no guarantee that there will be places to sit when people decide to show up, but these places are open enough that people can come in and mingle. No place is going to hold a table open for the whole night on a Friday. 1st come, 1st served.

Grafton Street Grille – gets really busy, nice bar area though
Hong Kong – a bit cheesy, but 3 floors and scorpion bowls
Common Ground – this is more towards Porter Square, but it has a lot of room and there’s a music lounge downstairs

I’ll try to think of more. Harvard Square has had so many great places go it’s hard to remember what’s left!

(Sorry if it’s not what you are looking for – not sure what you’ve planned on for atmosphere, I just know the area fairly well.)

I would *love* an e-vite 🙂 Sounds fun to meet some new bloggers 🙂
Common Ground is cool – I’m headed into harvard sq. tonight actually so I’ll keep my eyes & ears open. I spend a lot of time there, I’ll email you with some ideas.

we should also stick with a place that isnt so expensive (dinner wise that is) remember some of us (not myself) are unemployed… and the economy sucks so some of us dont receive as high a pay as we should (myself)

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