Benhen, Loquacious Of Blog needs 2000 hits so that he will have 50,000 hits for his blog’s 1 year anniversary. Do the guy a favor and click the link, pimp the link and spread the love. (My Blogwhore tendencies never die…)
Benhen, Loquacious Of Blog needs 2000 hits so that he will have 50,000 hits for his blog’s 1 year anniversary. Do the guy a favor and click the link, pimp the link and spread the love. (My Blogwhore tendencies never die…)
3 replies on “Ordered to Pimp…”
You rock! I love Ben. He’s amazingly funny, and has the Annessa Stamp of approval!
link has been pimped to everyone in my townhouse. hope it helps 🙂
Pimping like a mad dawg
She who must be obeyed has commanded us to pimp out the “Benhen, Loquacious Of Blog”. Do your part and give him some clicks. Really, it’s for the children….