Mad props to Jennifer for sharing her RSS Template Code! I didn’t want to share my extended posts for the rare time I do a “restricted access” post, but I haven’t stopped long enough to figure out another workaround to get a feed going with comments. Now I have one! Just for you, the last 15 posts with comments.
I haven’t really tested it yet, so if you see any bugs, let me know. It does validate, so that’s good news. You can grab the code for yourself here, and it is just a simple copy and paste to get it working!
I’ve decided to leave my default feed without comments, but this one will be available too for anyone that wants to use it! All because I loooooove you!
18 replies on “Just For You…”
Check out the code – something weird is giong on… the first comment on an entry is fine and by itself… the others all bleed together in one massive paragraph… :-O
testing, testing, 1 2 3
just paid the fee for NewzCrawler…
In what news reader? They look just fine in NewzCrawler… (I just added a br tag though to put the author below the comment, not on the end.)
This is really cool – I think I’m going to have to get one for mine too…
anyways – I think actually you need a <p> tag in FRONT of the next comment (not a br tag)… when I viewed the actual XML..each comment ENDED with an /p tag, but the next one DIDN’T have that beginning p tag…(does that make sense?)
Sorry – forgot to add – I’m using NetNewsWire (yes… ACK! on a mac! LOL!) I’m guessing that NewzCrawler is more forgiving which is why it isn’t messing it up for you…
I just added in another br tag – after the author name. Did that help in NetNewsCrawler? Otherwise, I’ll tweak it more later today…
I just gotta be the trouble maker! LOL! Sorry…
Well, it’s a little better – it’s at least not in one big paragraph, but those end /p tags without the beginning p tags are messing it up. It put the next comment on a new line – but it’s ignoring your extra br tag. It’s easier to read if each comment was on it’s own paragraph, so if you want, I can take a peak at the code and see if I can fix it…. I’ll also take a screenshot and send it to you so you can see what I’m talking about…
(also – fyi – your next post “test” works great. Saw just a link to go to the full post… which of course, I couldn’t see because I don’t have access on this machine! DOH!)
Thanks for the link. Added mine. 🙂
Should be fixed now – moved the p tag to within the MTComments tag instead of on the outside. Let me know & I’ll pass word on to Jennifer (the other Jennifer) so that she can change it on her templates too. 🙂
YES!! MUCH better. Thank you 😀
Hi there. Thank you for sharing that rss template. Much appreciated! I changed my rss template using that and I see coments when I view my own blog w/ NewzReader. I don’t see comments when I view your blog though. And I don’t see images when I view my blog. I am still new to this though, I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it soon! 🙂 Thanks again for the suggestion.
RSS Feed with Comments
There’s been much talk lately about RSS feeds and comment feeds and all sorts of other things. I was thinking
Rss Feed
I updated my RSS FEED. I hope it works right. I basically just took the one that Christine mentioned, the
Rss Feed
I updated my RSS FEED. I hope it works right. I basically just took the one that Christine mentioned, the
RSS 2.0+Comments
Special thanks goes to Jennifer for the template and Christine for the pointy finger. My index.xml does posts and threaded comments, a postsonly.xml is available for (guess what?) posts only. Looks good in my NewzCrawler, let me know if anything…
RSS 2.0+Comments
Special thanks goes to Jennifer for the template and Christine for the pointy finger. My index.xml does posts and threaded comments, a postsonly.xml is available for (guess what?) posts only. Looks good in my NewzCrawler, let me know if anything…
Feed me, Seymour!