I’ve brought the Photo Day gallery up to the moment – 8:09 is the last image to be added. My favorite? The Black-Eyed Susans. (That is what the yellow flowers are, isn’t it?) Since I won’t be going anywhere the rest of the night it should be interesting to see what other things I find to photograph at home!
More photographs will be added to the Pixelog within the next hour or so. I’ve edited the rest of my Tucson photos to put them online – only a month after my return from Arizona!
8 replies on “Photos All Over the Place…”
Haha, I’m pretty sure those flowers are black-eyed susans… of course, I’m no flower expert. If the gallery script didn’t handle thumbnails for me, I’d never be able to post all my pictures – I love how it simplifies my life 🙂
I thought black eyed susans were red? Then again, I’m so horticulturally challenged, I can kill plastic plants!!!
They’re definitely black eyed susans. I have some of my own 🙂 Great pictures…
Great pictures! But wait, none of YOU??! 🙂 Thanks for sharing them with us!
The Black Eyed Susans are my fav, too. Simply beautiful! Btw, which do you prefer, your MT album, or the gallery album?
Ashley: I’m sure Christine probably replied to you via email, but I thought I’d add some comments to help answer your question. I think that MT albums and gallery offer very different styles as far as archiving and such. With MT, it’s a lot easier to highlight photos and control the layout of the site. Gallery is mainly good for archiving a LOT of images in specific categories. Currently, I’m using gallery for most of my photo displays, but I’d really like to use MT for random photos more often. We’ll see how well that turns out…
Actually, I hadn’t replied yet – this is the first chance I’ve had to check in on my comments. Ste summed it up pretty well though – Gallery is great for posting photos fast. I hate that you don’t get e-mailed the comments. It’s nice to be able to just upload the pictures though – it makes the thumbnails for me, and I don’t even resize anything. Just pop them online.
The Pixelog is better for me for highlighting photos, almost more of a portfolio. I take my time and resize them, make thumbnails, etc.
Thanks, to you both, for the break down!