Amuse Me

Pretty Blue Sky…

For what seems like forever (but is probably just a week or two), Houston has been covered by this icky hazy sky. Smoke from fires in Mexico has had the state covered, and it may even contain pesticides that were banned in the US years ago. What a positive thought. But right now, I’m looking out at white puffy clouds and blue sky! At last! At last! Blue sky. What a great way to finish my week at work.

It’s been a really crazy week. I needed this sunshine moment.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

5 replies on “Pretty Blue Sky…”

“Smoke from fires in Mexico has had the state covered, and it may even contain pesticides that were banned in the US years ago.”

Yikes! I’m heading to Dallas tomorrow to attend a conference. I’ve never been to Texas before and I’m not sure how far from Houston and the smoke that is, but it’s freaking me out.

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