For the past several weeks, every weekend has been full of activities. Easter, Jason’s birthday, chess tournaments and graduation parties. This weekend? This weekend was a great chance to unwind! Friday night I crashed early – I needed the sleep after such a long week. Saturday it was housework – all the little things you don’t take the time to bother doing. Stereo wires that were going across my living room are now tucked away where they should be. Mike helped me move my bookcases. Trash moved out, and the stacks of paper are off to be recycled.
Last night we took Jason to see X-Men 2 – it was great! I really enjoyed it, and they did too.
Today we ran a bunch of errands. I found several rolls of film in my cleaning on Saturday, so they are being developed right now. I took my charm bracelet in to James Avery to have charms added to it – time to get them out of the drawer & on my wrist! Then we went and had my oil changed, along with the air filter and the wiper blades. Next, the car wash next door – so the car is all sparkly too! Now it’s time to go pick the pictures up – I can’t wait to see what they are pictures of! Nothing like mystery rolls of film.
I’m watching “That Touch of Mink” right now with Cary Grant and Doris Day. Forget the theme song music that I used to want to have – I want the “soft focus” effect that Doris Day has! Every scene – everything is crisp and in focus, until she comes on to the screen – then she’s all soft and pretty. How does one get this put in place?
4 replies on “Time to Unwind…”
Ahhh, sounds like a nice weekend of putting things in their places. I love those sorts of weekends even though they do mean a bit less resting – it’s always nice to feel like something was accomplished at the end of the weekend. 😀 I have a few of those “busy” weekends coming up myself so I’m actually looking forward to a weekend where I can get things done. 😉
Hee – I think it comes with those amazing skirts they wear; why did we ever get rid of the petticoat? I’m such a girl!
i love that movie! and i think the soft and fuzzy effect is a photoshop action we should all have at all times! ahhh, to be as elegant as doris… 🙂
I love, love, love that movie! I guess that’s where Barbara Walters got the soft-focus idea…