

All is well, but … I don’t know what is up. I’ve been boycotting the computer for days. This is very strange for me. Normally my only computer free times are due to vacations and a lack of web access. Not right now. Right now I’m busy at work, and busy at home. Friday I had no web access – they had taken it down in an effort to stop the Sobig virus, and it took me hours to get my cable modem to come back online. They finally had to push me a new IP or something like that. You know, techno things that require going in to a DOS prompt and all that.

Saturday was spent running errands, heading to Mike’s company picnic as long as we could stand the heat, and picking up Naomi’s couch. Her roommate decided to let Enrico pick it up while I was in Boston, and he put it in storage for a few weeks. I didn’t want to pay for another month of storage, so it was time to move it. (I’m so glad to see Enrico’s blog up and running – good stuff… very good stuff…) Rearranging and moving furniture wears you out, and I didn’t even have to carry it up the stairs! Thank goodness for nice neighbors!

Sunday was spent cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Rearranging. Hanging pictures in the kitchen. Cleaning out closets. Busy, busy things. I’ve been feeling quiet along with stressed and frustrated with all of this clutter. I’m throwing out everything I can, and whatever isn’t going in the trash is going to be sold at a garage sale or on eBay. It needs to GO. Amazing how cathartic a clean closet can be.

Today I hit the ground running at work, and didn’t stop until after 8:00 tonight. Quite a day.

I feel drained. I have nothing to say. I have so much I want to do, and it seems like there is never enough time to do it all. So if I’m not around, you’ll know where to find me.

On a positive note, to go with the new couch and my new amazingly comfy Ikea chair (my back is so thankful right now!), I am going to frame some of my photos and make a photo collage on the wall over the “new” couch (once I move it). I’m really excited – it’s time those photos are shown off some place else besides online. I can’t wait to see how the completed project turns out!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

9 replies on “Silence…”

Hey, glad you checked in! I know how life can get in the way of blogging, but geez! 😀 How cool – new couch, new photo collage, new clean closets – you’re going to feel like a whole new woman! Enjoy, relax, and we’ll all be here when you feel like talking.

I’ve been in a cleaning frenzy since the daughter moved away to college. I wanted it clean, clean, clean. I’m so content now when I go by her room and bathroom and it’s clean and the door can stay open. It’s just heaven!

It’s good to have a life outside the computer. I make myself take walks, long drives, and go out to socialize just so I don’t turn into a vampire. That’s one thing I don’t want to be. So good for you!

Except that we’ve been shopping for an Armoire to use in the kitchen instead of a couch, I could post this on my own site. 🙂 Especially the cleaning and ebay bit.

Also we bought two large collage style frames recently to put our digital images in to hang over the couch. 🙂 Ofoto is having a 29 cents per print sale right now though I’m thinking about trying out a local print shop.

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