Last night we went “Scouting for Food” (dropping off bags in the subdivision to pick up on Saturday to stock up the church food pantry) and then I came home and ate, watched Friends, Will & Grace and ER. Watched the news and then I CRASHED. It wasn’t even 11pm, but I was exhausted. I slept until 8am, and I’m still tired! What’s up with that? I haven’t been drinking as much Pepsi this week – I think my body finally reacted to the fact that it has had no caffiene. Either that, or too many late nights. Either way, I have a ton of stuff to do today, and I need to find some energy to do it!
2 replies on “Sleep … Need More Sleep …”
I’m right there with you. I want to go out and crash on the beach for several hours. I went to bed at 4:00 a.m. and woke up at 8:00 a.m. Too much house cleaning to do. But I’ve got to impress my folks I guess. Make think I live all clean and stuff. MUHAHAHAHA..the fools! (Okay, it’s not that dirty) Also a note, don’t write mortgage checks at 3:00 a.m. Just a helpful tip…
Thank you for reminding me I’m supposed to leave food out today!