While I did watch The Amazing Race last night – I was still sleepy and in a haze, so I don’t remember it as clearly as I would like. I saved it on the Tivo and I am going to watch it again tomorrow night, just so I can really “take it all in” and then I’ll blog all about it. There were a lot of things happening in that episode! I was super sad to see what team was eliminated, I’m happy to see my second favorite team in first place. Blake & Paige bug me. I don’t like their attitude. I still think Gary & Dave are a bit goofy, and they sometimes seem like they were picked to be the next Kevin & Drew. (They are funny, but it’s just not the same with out Team Guido (Team Guido Sucks!) and Kevin & Drew.) Actually, I have to say that I am really enjoying this season. They seem to have made a few tweaks to the format and I think it worked out really well. So more Amazing Race blogging tomorrow night!
4 replies on “TAR, Episode 4 – Coming Soon…”
I made a few comments on my site, come take a gander.
Hey maybe we should make an Amazing Race discussion board.
Crap! Our tape screwed up and we didn’t catch it. We have A and B channels here. Occasionally, the Phantom comes along and switches it… it did that while we were out of town, so Lifetime recorded instead of TAR. -sob sob- At least, I saw who didn’t make it… more *sob sob*.
I know it is too late to help, but UPN re-runs that week’s TAR ep each Friday night.
Oh, sure Promo, NOW you tell us… *wink* I was going to point out that you can always read the website to see what happened. But Promo’s idea is a lot better!