Oh my God! Oh my God! Did you see the finale of The Amazing Race??? OH MY GOD!!!
(This is the part where you STOP READING if you don’t want to know yet who won. I have a TiVo, I understand.)
Oh my God! Oh my God! Did you see the finale of The Amazing Race??? OH MY GOD!!!
(This is the part where you STOP READING if you don’t want to know yet who won. I have a TiVo, I understand.)
Every time I watch The Amazing Race I wonder … why do they continue to use the completely non-scary tiger in the opening credits? Because that was probably one of the lamest challenges to date. Those tigers were in a coma. The one and only tiger that even moved is in the opening credits still, and it makes me laugh every time.
Speaking of scary, I am going to hunt Jonathon down someday and kick his psycho ass. Then I’m going to bitch-slap Victoria for putting up with him and whining too often. Hell, put Jonathon in the opening credits – he’s much scarier than that damn tiger. Especially when he takes his shirt off. Hello? No one else is running around Europe without a shirt; take a hint, Jonathon.
WARNING: There could be spoilers in the comments. If you’re like me and normally watch shows days after they originally air, consider yourself warned.
Yeah, I’m a week and a day late in watching The Amazing Race’s season premier. But I can’t help but wonder – what’s up with all the models on this season’s race? I mean really – are there enough of them?
And how about the mini pigtails on the one guy’s head? That’s just scary. And the body builders? Priceless.
I love that they started the race in Chicago. I haven’t been there since I was a teenager, but I still recognized a lot of things. It makes me want to visit there even more!
The Amazing Race this year was … well, amazing. Yeah, ok, that was lame – but while I still consider season 1 the best, this season was really, really, really good. I enjoyed it a lot. Jason even got in to it this season, and so we watched the finale together this afternoon. My team won. He was cheering for the team that ended up in second place. He kept complaining whenever my team would get ahead, and I finally had to tell him to stop. Commentary during high-stress season finales is just not cool.
This season had a lot of memorable quotes in it, but my favorite from the finale had to be when Chip said, “we’re on like Donkey Kong!” I think I’m going to use that one all the time now.
Spoilers in the comments. Don’t read them if you don’t want to know the final results. For the rest of you (I’m looking right at Promo and Meryl), I would LOVE to know your thoughts on The AMAZING Race!
(Donna, it’s still on my Tivo. I’ll see if I can get my VCR to work and make you a copy. I think they may be showing it again on Saturday too, so there is still a chance for you to see it!)
Know what sucks? When your cable modem won’t let you connect to the Internet. I don’t know if the cable was out or if the modem was just being mean, but either way – I couldn’t get online last night. I did my very first Theme Thursday photo (which really turned out great) and I couldn’t get online to post it. I caught up on TAR, and I couldn’t blog about it. How frustrating!
I’m mad at Phil, the host of TAR, by the way. He started off last night’s episode with “who will be eliminated next?” Normally the cue that it is a non-elimination round. I went back and watched the opening of last week’s episode, and sure enough he said “who will be eliminated tonight?” so I was all set. I kept yelling at the teams, “it’s ok! You won’t be eliminated!” Then, 10 minutes before the show ended, they opened the final clues, with the note that the last team to arrive would be eliminated. Damn it!
Someone did a search and found my site looking for “reichen and chip” divorce. No! Say it isn’t so!
By the way, being offline also prevented me from answering the e-mail that has been piling up since I went to New Orleans. If I owe you an e-mail, I will write … soon! I have a lot of people to write, but I will get to everyone. Promise.