
There’s No Place Like Home…

Got up yesterday at 4am, left the house at 4:30am, was at the airport 2 hours early for my 7am flight. (Not that anyone noticed…) Flew to Atlanta, picked up the rental car, met with the client, zipped back to the airport, got back on a plane at 3:50 and was back in Houston by 5:10pm. Whew. Got home a little after 6, poked around, read the mail (regular mail – not e-mail) and finally about 8-ish decided to turn on the computer. Watched (this shows you how tired I was) the J-Lo concert for a bit first. Why was this her first concert ever? Anyways… I chatted with Zalary for a bit and went to update my site – only to find my server was down. Mannn… But it was probably a good thing in the end, I was so tired I kept nodding off & falling asleep! So I laid down on the couch to watch Frasier at about 8:30 (on the Tivo) and I woke up at 5:30am! Oops! Guess I was more tired then I thought!

Our meeting went really well. They shocked us when we told them that if they would prefer, rather than paying for their development 50/50 (50% up front, 50% when it was finished) they could pay 25/25/25/25. They asked if it was ok if they paid 100% up front. They want the tax write-off. w00t! Sure, that works too! Now we just have to make some changes to the proposal and send it back to them so they can approve it!

I am going back to bed for now. Have to get back on a sort of normal sleep schedule, so I need another hour of sleep!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “There’s No Place Like Home…”

argh! the J-Lo concert… I was sooo ready to watch the Celebrity Fear Factor, and I flipped on NBC and saw J-Lo. Dammit, CFF ain’t ’til next week! Needless to say, I turned the TV off at that point…

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