Lately I have had a lot more to say here, but I can still truly relate to this… (Click on image for the full size view.)
Snagged from Su, found online here. I can’t stop giggling.
Speaking of comics, the Houston Chronicle has a Build Your Own Comics Page feature. How cool is that? [via Promo, found by Adam.]
By the way – a new episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is on tonight! 7pm and again at 11pm CST. Come on, you know you want to watch it… I highly recommend it! I can hardly wait!
9 replies on “This is Sooooo Me!”
FINALLY! Someone gives me some kind of warning before the show came on – now I get to see it for myself, huzzahs!
Oh bless you Christine.
Wheee! It’s on Tuesdays on Bravo, and they air it twice in the same day. Then they run all the reruns throughout the week – sort of like HGTV and the Food Channel do. Enjoy it!
Thanks for the heads up on the showtimes. The guys from the show were on one of the news shows I watch today and they were very entertaining, so I’m going to start watching now. 🙂
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is an awesome show! I’ve loved it from the very first episode. Now, if only I could get my very own Carson, I’d be super happy. 🙂
I was gonna check that out, but seems my satellite isn’t receiving Bravo right now. Darn this Offshore life!
LOL funny cartoon.
I didn’t realize Doonesbury had a blogging character now! I’ll have to keep my eye on it.
As for Queer Eye…I don’t like it. Maybe it’s because I’m a gay woman – I’ve heard straight women love it. I just don’t like the massive stereotyping, mostly on the part of Carson. Yes, there are gay men like that, but they are NOT representative of the majority and shouldn’t be placed so visibly without giving equal time to others. [end whine]
lol! Nice cartoon. That Houston Chronicle thing is pretty cool too. Thanks. 🙂
Pamela, Demi, and Cameron
Click to enlarge This just made me laugh. What blogger hasn’t at least considered this method of improving site traffic? Snagged from Big Pink Cookie…