I just reread the hang tag the cable guy so kindly left on my door yesterday while I was home. It says right there on the last line:
“Calls received before 3 p.m. may be rescheduled for the same day.”
What?!? Ok, so why couldn’t they get him back out here yesterday? They thought I was mad then… just wait until they hear me now! (Ok, ok, I’ll try not to flip out on them.) But I am calling. If you say you can do it, then do it! I called at 1:45 – well before 3:00!
6 replies on “Time to Freak On the Cable Company Again…”
you go girl! Let them know how you REALLY feel. 🙂 Maybe you will get a few free months of service.
Unleash the can of Big-Pink-Cookie-whoop-ass upon them. I think all cable companies suck. You’re not alone.
I think you were supposed to read the “may” as “if we feel like it”.
Ohhhhhhhhh. I hate cable companies. Go get ’em, girl!
Going up against the evil cable company – an American tradition.
I dont even remember how i reached your site but it doesnt matter, cause i’m so happy i found it, it really made me think, keep up the good work