David Raynes has created a MT-Plugin that allows you to track your Blogshares value on your site. You can get it here, and you can see it in action on my sidebar for the two skins with the photos on the top. I’ll edit the rest later this week.
7 replies on “Track It Here…”
Wow. That didn’t take long for the plugin to come out, did it? Very nice.
I miss the diversion of e*Trade. This will be a welcome addition to my day.
Hi, Christine — I’d normally try to leave a witty, wry comment but for the moment, I’m actually, not-so-secretly testing something out to see what kind of javascript behavior is actually occurring. So, I found an older entry that’s off the index page with other “test test” comments. Blah blah blah. I came to you because the word on the street is you know what you’re doing, so you’d understand what I’m doing.
And of course, you can delete this at any moment.
Makin’ Fake Bacon
Okay, I’m Listed on BlogShares. Now what?…
Share and share alike
Found over in the MT Plugin Directory…the BlogShares Plugin. (Download here, instructions here.) Now you can track my worth right over there in the sidebar — just above my Blogroll!
Nice website. Great online affiliate program. Thank you.