Big Ben in Miniature, manipulated in Photoshop CS2. Even better large.
That’s it. Sad, but true. I have to drop this class. I am struggling to get through the homework, and the best case scenario right now is that I could get a C on this test. I could use some of the Spring Break time to play catch-up, but I have some review to do in Biology and Chemistry already. Mike pointed out just now how stressed I’ve been sounding when we talk on the phone, and I can see what I’m doing pretty clearly and I know all the signs.
When I get stressed or anxious about something, or just don’t want to do it at all, I will do everything I can to avoid it. I’ve always been like this. I would rather stare at a spot on the ceiling right now instead of working on this homework. I’m in avoidance mode. Heck, I was installing plugins on the blog and making miniatures to avoid it yesterday. I want to be doing anything else over the homework. Last night I had to stop myself from doing spring cleaning housework because I needed to do the homework. It is that bad.
I’m just considering it a medical expense and letting it go. I know what I could have done differently, but even if I had, the first unit would be a blur thanks to the issues I was having. Now I can focus on the other 3 classes and when I take this one again I will get the A that I should be making, instead of settling for a worse grade.
Update, about an hour later: Can I just tell you how relieved I feel having made that choice? Oh my goodness, it is like a huge weight has been lifted. As an added bonus – I’m officially on Spring Break now! Whoo hoo! Parrrrrtay! Oh, wait. That was the spring breaks of my youth. Never mind. I think I’m going to go do the podcast and then work on my second Jaywalker sock.
6 replies on “Trig No More…”
I tried taking Trig once. First test, I scored 100. Second test? As soon as I turned it in, I went straight to the “drop class” line. A friend of mine was taking the same class, and returned that last test to me with a grade of 7. And if I were to go back to school now, I’d have to start taking the lowest remedial math possible, because math and me, we do not get along.
Yep, that’s me too, remedial math. Of course, they wouldn’t let me into a trig class in the first place. Relax.
I’m confused. Why are you studying Trig if you’re dropping it?
It took me 5 1/2 years to get my BA because at some point I just realized that I’d rather go a little longer and make good grades (as well as have less stress) than to push myself to finish in 4 years hating every second of it. And I do remember the relief I always felt when I finally allowed myself to realize that a class needed to be dropped. You don’t want to do it if you don’t have to and sometimes there’s just a little denial going on, but sometimes it’s just the best thing and the sense of peace is priceless!
Hey, I dropped trig in high school. It was too much memorization for me! Thanks for the Houston welcome! I’ll only be in town two days this time, but I’ll be back! I’ll catch up with you when I get back with questions, I am sure! Thanks!
I can empathize with the agonizing decision to drop a class. I had to do that last semester because I simply wasn’t able to keep up with the demands after addressing sick family and the excess of work. I felt like such a failure because I love school and I usually do quite well, but I also didn’t want to get sick over something that turned out to be an optional course.
Your description of avoidance behavior is spot-on, and nost just for school stuff. I’ve been avoiding my teaching stuff for the past week, and unlike taking a class, this one’s for keeps until mid-May. Yikes… now I need to seriously catch up.
First of all, neat picture! I’m going to have to play around with that Photoshop trick. It’s amazing how much like a model it does look.
I think you made the right decision in dropping Trig. Me, I have yet to take it and I’m not looking forward to it. I remember that it gave me a bit of trouble in high school. I’m thinking of taking it this summer. Maybe it it were the only class I’m taking, I can do alright with it.