- SO tired of snarky, catty people that think the world revolves around them, and then whine when it doesn’t. Ugh. Grow up. #
- It takes a loooong time for Lightroom to export 1000 full size images. Wow. Now I know why I normally batch them. #
- Best part of insomnia night? People in London are just getting on twitter, and people in California are still online. Nice overlap! #
- Latest post over on PhotoLoveCat? Social Media: Blogging! Come on over & comment! http://tinyurl.com/plc-blogging (Cans for Comments too!) #
- RT @gwenbell: Cottage industry threatened by new law. If you buy handmade at all, you want to read this: http://tr.im/21xh (via @kirtsy) #
- “Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth.” – Benjamin Disraeli #