- Off to order a book, prep a preview for another book, then get ready to go to Twisted Yarns to get my knit on! Sale day at the yarn shop! #
- Today is the gumball sale at Twisted Yarns, and I got a 50% off gumball!!! SWEEEEEEEET! I had a big purchase too, so I got a huge discount! #
- And by HUGE discount, I mean somewhere in the neighborhood of $250. I bought yarn for 3 sweaters. More knitting on schedule for 2009. #
- Friday night amusement? Cats that Look Like Hitler – aka Kitlers – http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/ #
- HOUSTON: please retweet & help save @debutaunt’s life. SERIOUSLY. http://tinyurl.com/68pja3 #
One reply on “Tweets for 2008-12-13…”
I’m still lovin’ your new diggs and envy your luck in yarn stores.