- Just got it up in the nick of time earlier, but the December 15 Minutes of Fame is now online at WhollyMatrimony! http://tr.im/2bwu #
- PHOTOGRAPHERS! PLANNERS! I need destination (or super cool) weddings to feature at http://whollymatrimony.com – let me know if interested! #
- 15 Minutes of Fame up on http://whollymatrimony.com – now taking submissions for the next round! Show off your weddings! *grin* #
- Maybe I should add … http://whollymatrimony.com has had 3000 unique visitors *so far* this month? (And we’re only half way…) #
- Also looking for real brides planning their wedding who want to be a part of a community blog – can even be anonymous in posts. Anyone? #
- I just realized the only wedding vendors I follow on Twitter are either photographers or planners. Who else is out there? @ me so I can add! #
- http://roomatic.com – automatic Twitter chatrooms. Holy cow. SWEET. I’m in love. #
- RT @ThePlanner WEDCHAT FOR WEDDING PROFESSIONALS :: TONIGHT @ 7PM Central. Log on here: http://roomatic.com/wedchat – Please retweet #
- I just joined the wedchat Twitter Group http://tgr.me/g/wedchat and you can too. Please Retweet. #
- #wedchat @ThePlanner It was thanks to a Houston twitter connection (not wedding vendor) who got a call from a Groomsman. Photog no showed. #
- #wedchat Shot the Emergency Wedding, then booked one of the bridesmaids from it, a friend of the family, and another who read about it. #
- #wedchat Get comments from most clients that they contacted me because of my blog and my writing. I consider blogs to be social media too. #
- #wedchat I was connecting with people in Houston through Twitter before I started connecting with other wedding pros. Used it for years. #
- #wedchat I think I first signed up for Twitter in 2006? It didn’t hit a good mass of users until 2007 though – SXSWi spurred it on. #
- #wedchat If you follow a variety of users, I recommend using TweetDeck – I can sort into groups: Houston, Wedding Pros, etc. – very nice! #
- #wedchat I really recommend seeking out people in your community to connect with through Twitter as well as other vendors. #
- #wedchat I don’t use Facebook as much, but will be in the future more. I try to post photos there for others to see, and tag clients on FB #
- #wedchat If you post photos, and tag on FB, then their friends see them too. They love seeing the photos there. #
- #wedchat @ThePlanner It is a decision to make. I’m too easy to find online, so I blur the personal/professional line all the time. #
- #wedchat I think it is actually good to blur the personal/professional line. People are more likely to book people they like, not companies. #
- #wedchat @birdinhand it is definitely a matter then of learning restraint. As one should when posting online anyways. #
- Uhm, yeah. There might be a lot of Tweets you guys don’t want to follow tonight. Do you know you can snooze me? http://twittersnooze.com/ #
- #wedchat Re: Tweetdeck – it takes awhile to populate who you follow, especially if you follow a lot. Be patient – everyone will appear. #
- #wedchat I am in Roomatic too. And people can sort of follow by looking up the #wedchat tag – that is why it is automatically going on msgs. #
- #wedchat @byse you could temporarily pull the twitter app from Facebook, and then it wouldn’t do that. Hmm… I might do that too. #
- #wedchat I think TheKnot.com varies depending on the market. For some it is great, for others not so much. #
- #wedchat I’m in a large metro market, and there are just SO many that TheKnot.com doesn’t seem to be effective here. I don’t use them. #
- #wedchat I prefer to advertise in my local publications – have received more leads from them. Qualified ones that booked. #
- #wedchat WOM is definitely tops. Think about it – are you more likely to buy something because of an ad? Or a friend said it is good? #
- #wedchat I advertise mainly for brand recognition. Same with sponsoring blogs online. I want people to see my name #
- #wedchat I do have an upgraded WeddingWire spot, and I have booked clients because of it. I’ve been very happy w/ that choice. #
- #wedchat WOM=Word of Mouth. #
- #wedchat @alysechristine Yes, very happy with the Weddingwire spot. Ask brides to do reviews there as well, which I think is helpful. #
- #wedchat I’m also a photographer. Plus I am the editor at http://whollymatrimony.com and write at http://photolovecat.blogspot.com #
- #wedchat I just signed up for ProjectWedding last night. They are already in the south – Houston was listed. #
- #wedchat Meta tags aren’t as heavily weighted as they once were. Now titles #
- #wedchat Oh, it cropped my post. Titles and content are more heavily weighted, along with blog tags. #
- #wedchat People still spend money on weddings even in economic downturns – they want to celebrate the special day lavishly. #
- #wedchat I will be doing my first bridal show next month, and doing a smaller show (less overwhelming, higher entry fee) w/ good reviews. #
- #wedchat Fake cake always causes confusion when it is time to cut the cake. (I see it all the time when taking photos.) Not a good thing! #
- #wedchat I make a point of blogging about all of the vendors that my clients use; it helps with Google to link to others, plus they like. #
- #wedchat For a planner, it would show client what vendors you associate with and are using, and help me judge what planner I want to hire. #
- #wedchat Oh yes, I get traffic all the time for the venues I’ve photographed. When people know I’ve already worked there, it helps them. #
- #wedchat I’ve attended a NACE meeting and plan to join. I think it will help w/ networking. #
- #wedchat No weekly TV segments. I don’t like to be in front of the camera. (Yes, ironic.) #
- #wedchat Hmmm… maybe a more private chat room? So we’re not Twitter spamming our other followers? #
- #wedchat @ThePlanner thanks for setting this up! Awesome, awesome idea! Wheeeee! DM me if you need help finding quick chatroom options. #
- WedChat is over, so I’m putting Twitter back on Facebook. Sorry about the tweet spam; suggested the next one be in another chatroom option. #
- Could have sworn I had a FriendFeed account. I do now: http://friendfeed.com/christinetremoulet #
- Booked my first ShootQ v2 Wedding! I *LOVE* the new features they have added. ShootQ ROCKS!!! Yeah!!! http://shootq.com #