- #magpie I keep focus with http://bit.ly/mindmappin – it’s simple and for free. Try it yourself. #
- Fixing the sideways crown was quick and painless. Yeah! #
- New post over on http://photolovecat.com – although if you’re reading this, you probably know what Twitter is… #
- http://twitpic.com/vm7b – 1 sleeve done, 1 to go! February Lady Sweater progress #
- Fantastic recpies starting to come in for the Twitter Family Cookbook, incl. bacon goodness! Keep it coming!! http://tinyurl.com/twittercook #
- Small, intimate wedding proofed & uploaded. There were only 10 people there – 12 if you count the minister & me. Such a sweet day! #
- While exporting & uploading photos, I worked on the sweater. Right sleeve now 3/10ths of the way done! *Happy dance!* #
- I don’t like shopping that much to begin with, so I seriously hate shopping for Christmas presents. Bah. #
- The Giant HEB grocery store has been open by our house for 13 months now. I finally stepped inside tonight. Pretty sweet! #