- Home from my last shoot of 2008 – an awesome Boudoir session! Now to do some proofing tonight while watching a movie. #
- Hey, Houston photographers! I’m looking for a studio roommate. Or two. To share the whole building, which is AWESOME. Interested? DM me. #
- Need to do work. Instead? Pondering ideas for Clover, taking over the main building, and all the things we could do with it. Swirly! #
- Just discovered @coffeemike returns from work trip on 2/12, which means I can’t leave for WPPI until 2/13. Cheap SouthWest tickets are out. #
- Just discovered that @coffeemike’s birthday party in April, he was making “martinis” w/ 3 parts gin and 1 part vodka. Missing vermouth. DOH! #