- Fantastic meeting last night with @cybertoad and @clickwindrepeat and Farhana! So excited about our upcoming Indian wedding-4 days of COLOR! #
- Bonus? Going to Onion Creek with @cybertoad for dinner afterwards and running into (and joining) @nadnuk, @TheHZA and @Fayza! #
- Don’t you hate it when you try to get a speck off a photo while proofing and you realize when it won’t go away that it on your monitor? #
- Sweet surprise to discover @thesmartplanner talked about my site today! Great post – Is a Blog-Site Right For You? http://tinyurl.com/r8femm #
- RT a DM from @bmbosse, my studio asst: “I’m ruined. I can’t shoot on auto anymore. Have to jack with ISO,Wt Bal,& Exp. Thanks.” Bwahaha!!! #
- Yesterday I won kolaches from @KolacheFactory. Today I won a $25 iTunes gift card from http://www.nathanwalker.ca/blog/ – SWEET! #