- http://twitpic.com/82zr5 – Inside the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta. 50 floors – this place is huge! #
- Lovely brunch earlier at Stone Soup Kitchen in Atlanta, and now time to rock! Good things ahead! #
- I really wish I was at #Engage09 – so sad to see tweets from all of you that are there! Although it is fun reading them! #
- Talking with @rachellacour and @andrewniesen after seeing @christorres earlier (and will see @reginaholder Thurs) – all lead to @garrettnudd #
- So, all roads lead to Elevate2 and @garrettnudd and @joynudd – such a great workshop! #
- Got to visit @zarias and @meghanarias and their studio space – excellent! Best part though? Getting to see Baby Hawk! SO CUTE! #
- I think everyone should to be a fan of @ShootQ on Facebook. Are you one? http://bit.ly/q2NLy #
- http://twitpic.com/85ekr – Snacks: Bacon in a glass. Peanut butter supplement optional. #